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Somatic Emotional Healing

A body oriented approach to heal and restore back to harmony the dissonance of unresolved trauma and embody a renewed sense of safety and connection within the natural unfolding of daily life.
Water waves with sun reflection

A Sensorial Experience  that involves the conscious use of breath work, movement, massage, scents and sound healing frequencies. A therapeutic somatic experience which firstly promotes awareness of underlying physical sensations dwelling alongside the emotional imprint of our cellular memories.

Certain past events, often coming back to childhood, can in fact hold high emotional charges that, if not processed in healthy ways, become imprinted on a biological level. Cellular memories manifesting through the functionality of our nervous system and immune system, through unconscious beliefs, perceptions, behaviours and coping mechanisms.

Somatic Emotional Healing is a journey through the senses to expand awareness to the language of its memories which always talks to us through our breath and posture, through our unconscious gestures and physical sensations, and sometimes through our muscular tensions and chronic pain states, digestive issues, sexual dysfunctions etc.

Burning white sage held above water
Gentle waves on water

Make a booking

I would like to inform you that from March 17th I will be travelling and extending my research in the field of sound therapy. Bookings for personal treatments will be available again from April 15th. During this period I will still keep myself open for initial chats and emails. Thank you for supporting this work and looking forward to meet you in person very soon.

Treatments last between 90 minutes and 2 hours where after an initial discussion you will lay down or remain seated to dive into an experiential body-mind-spiritual practice guided by the soothing stimulation of the senses through different modalities involving breath work, conscious gentle movement, touch, scents, massage, sounds and visualisation techniques.

The aim is to promote a sense of safety to lower the mental and biological defences built around traumatic memories, so to patiently begin opening up to them.

This therapeutic practice in its essence stimulates neuroplasticity, enabling us to overwrite thoughts, attitudes, and interactions. This promotes focus and “noise reduction”; that silence in which sound, exactly like our vital energy, regenerates itself. Internal silence is in fact the ground from which any reparative process takes place and from which consciousness expands towards the parts of the self that circles around unresolved.

Water waves
Water waves

This trauma informed somatic practice offers a warm space to support your self-healing journey around mental-physical conditions such as:

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD)
  • Addictions
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Digestive Issues
  • Sexual Dysfunction